Red October Meet and Build
Last time I mentioned a meetup, it was checking out the local hobby shops "come and build models (mostly gunpla)" night. Like 10 people around 3 tables in the gaming area of a hobby store. More recently, the local Gunpla specific club held a big meetup I think they do like every other month or so. There was a theme of"hey bring your red or aquatic suits to show off/build" but you didn't have to, just a suggestion. Still, I was eager to go, and I had a Lunamaria preordered that MIGHT just make it in on time. Man, that lunamaria is a sweet looking kit. Sadly, that didn't make it, so on my way over I stopped by the local barnes and noble, the only gunpla store within 25 minutes. The only reddish kit they had was the Heine Westenfluss Destiny Gundam. I had never seen the show and wasn't familiar with the person or the suit. Luckily, it looked pretty cool and slighly reddish, so I sprung for it thinking, what the heck. Man am I glad I did. T...