
Showing posts from September, 2019

Serpent Custom 3 - Priming

Just a short update today, but an important one! Now that all my parts are dry, I began priming! This is huge because once the primer dries on even a small subset of parts, I can begin the digital camo patterns, which will easily be the most time consuming part, and prime the rest while i'm doing my painting. Speaking of which, I need to double check I have all the shades of blue I need, and maybe amazon a few more - vallejo are my paints of choice, acrylic all the way! I tend to like a dark primer and the Model Color line for realistic stuff, where as I'd use a grey or white primer and the Game color line for more vibrant/cartoony looks. Both can look great on a gundam. I stick to the separate metal color line for metallics. Anyways, back on topic. First Thing I did is take my primer, put it in a ziploc bag (rolled tight so theres very little air). Then I shook it up and let it sit in warm water for 15-20 minutes. I find even on a nice, sunndy day like today, this ...

Serpent Custom 2 - More Progress

When we last left our intrepid hero, almost all the parts were off the runners, trimmed, and sanded. Now, they're ALL that way. It took quite a toll on the first round of sandpaper sticks, but hey, there's plenty more of those cheap babies left. So what to do next? We go the extra mile. I'm going to give everything a quick wash with some lukewarm soapy water, then carefully rinse them off and dry them. Why? Well, a few reasons. Historically, sometimes plastic miniatures came with some mold release still on the part. I'm told Bandai has been really good about this not being a problem recently, but its an older kit anyway and it never hurts to wash it. Secondly, I've been sanding these parts and want to get all the little dust bits off. I probably could with just some compressed air, but this is another, slightly more comprehensive way to go about it. Finally, I've been getting my fingers ALL OVER these parts, and human skin leaves oil on things,...

The Start of the Serpent Custom

My first Gunpla arrived, and I dug right in. (for those of you not in the know, gunpla are model kits that let you build fully articulated Gundam mechs ranging from about 5 inches to over a foot tall). See, I initially had a bigger order coming because the 08th MS team was the first real complete Gundam series I watched, so that's where my attachment lies (kinda like how for most people, the first Dr. Who they watch is THEIR Dr. Who).  But with back orders I have no clue when thats actually gonna ship. While I was getting excited to hurry up and wait, I realized hey wouldn't it be great to actually have my first model not be one i particularly care a lot about?  Something I can test stuff with? Thus began the search for a cheap 1/100 decent sized High Grade kit I liked the look of, and had big enough areas to paint.  The Serpent Custom fit the bill, and had free 2 day shipping. That brings us to today: You're gonna be walking thought this with me right from t...